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Can Cataract Surgery Be Redone?

An Ophthalmologist doing a cataract surgery on a senior patient

Cataracts typically develop over the course of several years and this is part of the normal aging of the eye. According to the National Eye Institute, at around age 40, the proteins in the eye start to break down and stick together. This causes cloudiness of the eye’s natural lens. People with cataracts often describe […]

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Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery?

Image of a senior woman having her eyes examined by an ophthalmologist. The woman is sitting in an exam chair and looking towards the camera. The image suggests that the woman is possibly covered by a Medicare plan for her cataract surgery.

When we age, some of our bodily functions start to slow or break down. That includes the organ we rely on the most for sight, brain focus, and storage/transference of information: the eyes. Around the age of 40, the proteins weaken and become cloudy in the eye’s natural lens. By age 65, one in five […]

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Can You Have a Cataract in One Eye?

A close up of two eyes side by side, one eye showing a cataract and one eye appearing normal.

Aging doesn’t guarantee that you will develop cataracts in one or both eyes. But as an often age-related condition, your risk certainly increases with age. Fortunately, it’s a highly treatable condition and can often be managed without surgery as a first step. Regular eye examinations are an important part of the early detection of cataracts […]

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Is Blurry Vision After Cataract Surgery Normal?

An older woman rubs her eyes as she is experiencing a cloudy vision post her cataract surgery while holding a pair of glasses in her other hand.

Cataract surgery can help remove the cloudy lens affecting your vision and improve your sight. If you receive this procedure, is blurry vision normal after surgery? When should you contact your eye doctor?  Continue reading to learn more about cataracts, including if foggy vision is normal after cataract surgery. Let’s start by learning more about […]

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What Increases Your Risk of Cataracts?

What Increases Your Risk of Cataracts? Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness. But while cataracts are treatable, they can also be preventable. Which opens the door to questioning: “What increases my risk of cataracts?” or “How do I protect myself from getting cataracts?”  Cataracts result from and are considered a normal consequence […]

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Can Cataracts Come Back After Surgery?

An ophthalmologist carefully examining the eye of an elderly man for signs of possible cataract recurrence.

Monitoring your eye health is a daily commitment, especially when dealing with something like cataracts. Getting treatment for cataracts from your eye doctor is an essential step, but what comes after? Let’s look at what cataracts are and what can cause them, including if they can come back after being removed.  What are Cataracts? A […]

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Does Everyone Get Cataracts? Know the Facts

Woman with concern on her face, checking if she develops cataracts by pulling down her lower eyelid with her finger.

Maintaining sound eye care habits is essential to eye health, whether keeping up with your doctors on the latest procedures or practicing good eye health habits. Dealing with cataracts is one of those crucial eye health procedures you can monitor. But does everyone develop cataracts? Let’s explore cataracts, their symptoms, risk factors, and how you […]

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A More Convenient Option For Contact Lens Wearers

Open contact lens case with green lid on a wooden surface.

If you’re one of the 30 million people who wear contact lenses or are considering wearing contacts, daily contact lenses are a great alternative to traditional contact lenses. Daily contact lenses have been available for a while, but many people aren’t aware of them. Perfect for a person’s busy schedule, daily contact lenses are lenses […]

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Cataracts: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

An ophthalmologist, wearing surgical gloves and a sterile gown, expertly removes a cataract from a patient's eye. This image depicts a cataract surgery, a crucial cataract treatment, aiming to alleviate signs of cataracts such as cloudy vision and other cataract symptoms.

Dottie noticed changes in her vision when she found herself constantly cleaning her glasses, “I thought there was something wrong with the glasses but later found out that it was the cataract.” Dottie’s changes in her vision were gradual, and she didn’t realize how badly the cataract had affected her vision. “It gradually comes on, […]

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Top 3 Myths about Contact Lenses

Prescription and reading glasses can do wonders for people who have vision problems. They also have their limitations. From creating poor peripheral vision and annoying reflections to fogging up with changes in temperature, eyeglasses can be bothersome at times. Many people wish they could switch to contact lenses but mistakenly believe it’s not an available […]

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