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Category: Eye Exam

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Does Medicare Cover Eye Exams?

Optometrist examining a woman's eye with equipment, emphasizing Medicare coverage for eye exams.

Taking care of your vision is non-negotiable for your overall health and safety. As we age, it’s common for our eyesight to change—regular eye exams help maintain clear vision. But without a Medicare Advantage plan, you could be responsible for covering the total costs of eye exams and corrective lenses. Knowing Medicare’s coverage for eye […]

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Why is a Yearly Contact Lens Eye Exam Important?

A young woman sits in an exam chair at an optometrist's office. The optometrist examines the woman's eye for proper contact lens fit.

Forty-five million Americans rely on contact lenses as an important part of their daily lives, valuing the freedom and flexibility they give over traditional eyeglasses. If you’re among these people, you already know the importance of regular eye exams to ensure your vision remains sharp and your eyes healthy. However, for contact lens wearers, we […]

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