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7 Important Questions to Ask Before Cataract Surgerys

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7 Important Questions to Ask Before Cataract Surgerys

An eye doctor sits on a chair during an eye exam. A patient looks towards a phoropter machine while a friendly doctor discusses their options for cataract surgery and answers their questions related to the procedure.

Cataract surgery is a big decision that can significantly impact your vision and quality of life. To ensure you’re well-prepared, ask the following cataract surgery questions during your preoperative consultation: 1. What’s the Difference Between Laser and Traditional Cataract Surgery? Traditionally, cataracts are removed through a small incision in the eye to extract the cloudy […]

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3 Reasons Why Follow-ups Are So Important After Cataract Surgery

Professional ophthalmologist conducting a thorough follow-up visit after cataract surgery for an elderly female patient. Ensuring post-operative care and monitoring for a successful recovery.

Cataract surgery is one of modern medicine’s most common and successful procedures. It can restore your vision and improve your quality of life. However, it is not a one-time event. As a daily ritual, you must take good care of your eyes and attend regular follow-up appointments with your eye doctor in Chesapeake, VA, to […]

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Cataract Surgery: What Do Diabetic Patients Need to Know?

Close-up of an elderly person's eye with a visible cataract, highlighting the cataracts and diabetes connection. Illustrates the impact of diabetes on cataract development and the need for awareness.

November marks Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month, a perfect time to learn the intricacies of cataract surgery for diabetic patients. How does diabetes affect cataract surgery and its success? Drawing from findings by the National Eye Institute, diabetes can significantly influence the outcomes of cataract surgery. This is because certain complications like retinal detachment, vitreous […]

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Can Cataract Surgery Be Redone?

An Ophthalmologist doing a cataract surgery on a senior patient

Cataracts typically develop over the course of several years and this is part of the normal aging of the eye. According to the National Eye Institute, at around age 40, the proteins in the eye start to break down and stick together. This causes cloudiness of the eye’s natural lens. People with cataracts often describe […]

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Is Blurry Vision After Cataract Surgery Normal?

An older woman rubs her eyes as she is experiencing a cloudy vision post her cataract surgery while holding a pair of glasses in her other hand.

Cataract surgery can help remove the cloudy lens affecting your vision and improve your sight. If you receive this procedure, is blurry vision normal after surgery? When should you contact your eye doctor?  Continue reading to learn more about cataracts, including if foggy vision is normal after cataract surgery. Let’s start by learning more about […]

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