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Eyelid Surgery

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Enhancing Eyelids

As we grow older, many different eyelid and eyebrow conditions can develop affecting vision. Some may have been present since birth; others a result of a neurological disorder. Fortunately, there are careful surgical procedures that can be done to help people improve their vision and eye health.

At Griffey Eye Care & Laser Center, we can treat eyelid lesions, styes, eyelid malpositions, and tearing problems. We also offer eyelid lifts.

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Over time, the thin layer of skin that surrounds the eyes may sag and make a person look tired. The drooping skin can also affect a person’s vision. To ensure full peripheral vision, an eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, may be performed to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids, lift sagging eyelids, or address fatty pockets and excess skin under the eyes. Many cases of blepharoplasty are covered by insurance.

Blepharoplasty is an outpatient procedure that can be performed in our in-office surgical suite. Bruising is minimal. Patients can expect to go back to work within a week.

Eyelid Lesions

Eyelid lumps and bumps come in all different varieties. They can be inflammatory lesions such as styes or chalazions, benign growths such as cysts, moles, keratosis or skin tags, or different forms of cancer. Because of the delicate nature of the eyelids, careful evaluation by an ophthalmologist is required to determine the type of lesion and recommended management. Often, if the lesion is felt to be something that needs to be removed, an in-office excisional biopsy can be performed to determine the exact pathology.

A chalazion is a cyst that develops as a result of trapped oil secretions in one of the many glands in the upper or lower eyelids. A chalazion can arise initially as a tender, red, swollen bump, resembling a stye or infection of the eyelid. Treatment initially includes warm compresses, massage, and sometimes antibiotic ointment or drops. If the bump persists, it can be excised. Conditions associated with a chalazion include rosacea and blepharitis.

Eyelid lesions can be cysts, moles, skin tags or malignant cancers. They are usually painless, but can destroy the normal architecture of the lid and possibly become malignant. Early detection is critical if the lesion is precancerous or cancerous. Eyelid lesions can be removed to ensure the eyelid functions normally.

Eyelid Malpositions

The eyelids protect your eyes, shielding them from foreign objects like dust and debris. They’re also crucial for spreading moisture, allowing the tear film to nourish and clean the eye’s surface. When the eyelids are malpositioned, or in an abnormal position, it affects their function and eye health. Eyelid surgery can improve eyelid function and reduce symptoms caused by eyelid malposition. Contact us to learn more about your surgical options.

Entropion, a condition in which the lower eyelid turns inward, can cause eye irritation and result in excessive tearing, crusting, mucous discharge and even vision loss. Although most commonly the result of aging and the weakening of the eyelid muscles, entropion may also be caused by a birth defect, eye injury, scarring or tumors.

Patients whose eyelids turn inward can undergo an outpatient surgical procedure to tighten the eyelid and return it to its normal position. In other cases, the condition is treated with lubricating drops, ointments and temporary sutures. Since entropion can cause damage to the outer part of the eye, known as the cornea, an evaluation with one of our ophthalmologists is recommended.

Ectropion, a condition in which the lower eyelid turns outward, can cause eye irritation and result in excessive tearing, crusting and mucous discharge. Although most commonly the result of aging and the weakening of the eyelid muscles, ectropion may also be caused by a birth defect, eye injury, scarring or skin cancers. An outpatient surgical procedure can be performed to tighten the eyelid and return it to its normal position.

Excessive tearing can result from faulty tear drainage, overproduction of tears, or even as a reflex from severe dry eye syndrome. A common cause of tearing is the blockage of the lacrimal ducts located alongside the nose, which may result from inflammation, injury, tumors or other conditions. Excess tearing can be a nuisance. It can also affect your vision if left untreated.

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