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Category: Diabetes

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The Relationship Between Diabetes and Eyesight

Doctor examining blood sugar level with a needle: Insights into the connection between diabetes and eyesight.

It’s common knowledge among those with diabetes that their condition can impact their eyesight. Nevertheless, a surprising 20% of individuals with diabetes did not receive their recommended annual dilated eye exam, according to recent findings. Dr. Paul M. Griffey, a seasoned ophthalmologist, emphasizes the importance of these exams: “It’s critical for diabetics to have an […]

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Cataract Surgery: What Do Diabetic Patients Need to Know?

Close-up of an elderly person's eye with a visible cataract, highlighting the cataracts and diabetes connection. Illustrates the impact of diabetes on cataract development and the need for awareness.

November marks Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month, a perfect time to learn the intricacies of cataract surgery for diabetic patients. How does diabetes affect cataract surgery and its success? Drawing from findings by the National Eye Institute, diabetes can significantly influence the outcomes of cataract surgery. This is because certain complications like retinal detachment, vitreous […]

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Why Does Diabetes Cause Blurry Vision?

Patient consulting with an ophthalmologist about diabetes-related blurry vision during a medical appointment.

As a prominent global health concern, diabetes not only impacts the body’s ability to use sugar effectively but also has noticeable effects on various organ systems—including the eyes. One commonly reported complication among diabetic patients is blurred vision, a condition primarily attributed to the detrimental impact of high blood sugar levels in the blood vessels […]

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