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6 Holiday Recipes Perfect For Eye Health

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6 Holiday Recipes Perfect For Eye Health

A bowl of kale salad with apple slices and pomegranate seeds, highlighting a woman's glowing skin in a circular inset.

Add vision-boosting nutrients to your menu this holiday season! Researchers have found that lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc can help protect your eyes and lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Here, you will find holiday-themed recipes packed with these essential vitamins and nutrients for better vision and overall health, […]

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What Causes Blurry Vision in One Eye? Know the Reasons

Young woman holding her hand over one eye, appearing uncomfortable, possibly experiencing blurry vision in one eye.

Blurry vision in one eye can be concerning. Sometimes, a simple update to your glasses prescription might be all that is needed to get to the underlying cause. However, if you notice a sudden change in your vision, don’t dismiss it—it could signal a more serious medical issue. Is it Normal For One Eye to […]

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7 Signs You May Need Cataract Surgery

Image of a woman with cataract in one eye on the left, and undergoing cataract surgery on the right, illustrating signs you need cataract surgery.

Cataracts are a common eye condition that can develop with age, causing your vision to become cloudy and interfere with everyday life. If you do spot a cataract, the only way to remove it is through surgery. Could you have cataracts and not know it? Early detection of cataracts is crucial for several reasons. If […]

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The Relationship Between Diabetes and Eyesight

Doctor examining blood sugar level with a needle: Insights into the connection between diabetes and eyesight.

It’s common knowledge among those with diabetes that their condition can impact their eyesight. Nevertheless, a surprising 20% of individuals with diabetes did not receive their recommended annual dilated eye exam, according to recent findings. Dr. Paul M. Griffey, a seasoned ophthalmologist, emphasizes the importance of these exams: “It’s critical for diabetics to have an […]

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What Causes Dry Eyes? Understanding its Symptoms and Treatment

Image depicting redness in one eye, a symptom of dry eyes. Learn about dry eye causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable with symptoms that might not be noticeable at first. Many individuals report the sensation of having a foreign object in their eye, or they might find their eyes tire easily. Contacts might no longer fit comfortably. “Your eyes may sting, burn, and water. You may find you have trouble reading […]

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