An elderly woman undergoing a pre-operative eye exam with an ophthalmologist for Laser Cataract Surgery. She rests her chin on a stabilizing machine for a clear view of her eye.

Laser Cataract Surgery

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Precise Solutions for Your Best Vision

When it comes to experience and expertise, the providers at Griffey Eye Care are industry leaders. Our ophthalmologists have helped thousands of patients regain the vision of their youth. Not only do we excel in performing advanced laser cataract surgery, but we are passionate about educating our patients so they feel informed and confident in their surgical decision. 

If your vision appears blurry or cloudy, speak with our team about your options to improve your sight. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Cataract eye

What Is a Cataract?

A cataract occurs when the natural lens in your eye becomes clouded. The lens in your eye is responsible for helping you focus on objects at different distances, changing shape as needed to properly refract light onto the retina.

Cataracts are a common age-related ocular condition. As you age, the proteins and fibers in the lens begin to break down, causing clouding. Symptoms of cataracts can include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Colors appearing faded or yellow
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Light sensitivity
  • Constant changes in prescription

Traditional Cataract Surgery vs. Laser Cataract Surgery

Traditional cataract surgery restores your vision with a standard lens replacement implant. The procedure is performed manually by your doctor using a blade to make a small incision in the eye. This cataract surgery is typically covered by insurance (except for co-pays and deductibles)

Laser cataract surgery using the LenSx laser system is a personalized, comfortable, and precise procedure. Computer control assists your doctor in making the necessary incision using advanced laser technology. No blades are required for laser cataract surgery and most patients are suitable candidates for this procedure.

Due to the customizations in laser cataract surgery, there are extra fees with this procedure that are not covered by insurance. Financing options are available.

What to Expect from Cataract Surgery

In the beginning stages of cataracts, updating your prescription can help improve your vision until your sight starts to impact your daily life. The only way to completely remove a cataract is through surgery. Typically, your natural clouded lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL) implant. There are various IOLs available to help improve your vision. Dr. Griffey will discuss your options with you to determine what is best for you and your eyes.

A preoperative appointment with Dr. Paul Griffey will consist of a thorough assessment to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for surgery and the correct power of IOL needed for your lens replacement.

We will also review your IOL options, prescribe eye drops to use before and after surgery, go over your medical history, and answer any questions you may have.

When planning for your procedure, you will need to find someone to drive you home as your eyes will need time to heal. You will be required to fast on the day of your surgery.

When you arrive, we will administer eye drops to dilate your eye and a topical anesthetic to numb the area. You will also receive a mild sedative to ensure you are comfortable throughout the process, but you will remain awake during the procedure.

A small incision will be made in the eye. Then, the clouded lens will be broken up and removed from the eye using specialized surgical instruments. Dr. Griffey will then implant the IOL in your eye to replace the natural lens.

Once the surgery is complete, you can request water or juice and a nurse will go over your instructions for postoperative care. We request a short stay in our outpatient recovery area before heading home.

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled a day after your surgery to have your vision checked by our technician. The technician will discuss your eye drops and go over the instructions before you see your doctor. Your doctor will examine your eyes to ensure the IOL implant is centered and there are no signs of infection.

We will schedule another follow-up appointment 3 weeks later to ensure your eye is healed. The success rate of cataract surgery is high and most patients experience improved vision within hours.

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    Friendly and Professional People. Makes You Feel Very Confident
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    Google Griffey Eye Care & Laser Center – Carmichael
    Very professional and very quick
    Jun 26, 2024
    Google Griffey Eye Care: Elizabeth Baylor, O.D.
    I highly recommend Dra Baylor, she is a wonderful doctor.

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