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Category: Allergies

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What Causes Dry Eyes? Understanding its Symptoms and Treatment

Image depicting redness in one eye, a symptom of dry eyes. Learn about dry eye causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable with symptoms that might not be noticeable at first. Many individuals report the sensation of having a foreign object in their eye, or they might find their eyes tire easily. Contacts might no longer fit comfortably. “Your eyes may sting, burn, and water. You may find you have trouble reading […]

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Allergy and Eyes

Redness. Itching. Watery eyes.These are some of the first symptoms allergy eye sufferers notice. “Not only is it distracting and annoying, but it also can affect your vision,” said Dr. Robert Fox, who has been practicing optometry for 15 years. Although today’s multi-symptom allergy medications at the grocery store do wonders for runny noses and […]

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